Friday, March 24, 2006

Devils and Dust - Bruce Springsteen (concepts) Pt.3

Okay, I've done rough versions of all 11 covers. Some are basically complete and others need a bit more work. The last 3 were done using lower res screen caps from the Devils and Dust Promo DVD which is why they are a little different to the others. I need to do more work matching the colours.

The order will change as well. Ever second one will be the cover for the dual case versions so obiously I will use the best images on them. Cover one will be made into a dual cover for vol 1&2, cover three with be vol 3&4 etc.


I will try and finalise covers soon and get started on the inlays and labels in the next day or two. Thanks to everyone for the feedback...keep it coming!

Devils and Dust - Bruce Springsteen (concepts) Pt.2

Okay, the swirls are still there but I've toned them back a bit. I do think they were not working as well on the original preview of vol 2 as well as the inlay.

Remember it's still just layout ideas for now so some things may change.

Here's the design for the dual cases that I will do for vol 1&2, 3&4, 5&6, 7&8 and 9&10. Vol 11 will just be the standard single cd cover from the other set. There was a comment that some people don't like the 0 in the volume names. I'm not fussed about dropping it. As a designer I do like it. It makes the numbers look more 'meaty' and makes them the same width as the double digit ones so if anyone wants to comment I'd be happy to go with public opinion.

Here is my current design for the dual case inlay with the double track listing. (It is not easy to fit all that info on a small space).

I'll probably do the cover as a gatefold book for the dual case editions with a full list of tour dates on it so the track dates can be referenced to a performance.

Feel free to leave any comments or suggestion.